
Ring Of Fire Card Game

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More About the Ring of Fire Drinking Game This is an exciting drinking game that is played using playing cards. The player must drink and pass round the drinks based on the card drawn. Each card has a rule that is established before the start of the game. Ring of Fire Card Meanings The meanings/actions associated with the cards really add to the fun of the game. The great thing about ring of fire is that since everything’s based on random order, you never know whether a game’s gonna make or break your night.


To set up the game, clear a table and set a large cup or jug in the middle of the table with the deck of cards placed around the cup in a circle (face down).

Then get a group of your friends to sit around the table, each person having a drink of alcohol.

Play goes round the circle, and players take it in turns to pick a card, following the rules as the cards are picked one by one.

Before you start you must know what each card stands for:


Ace: Waterfall: Everyone keeps drinking until the person who picked the card stops. So who knows how long you’ll be drinking for…

2: F*ck You – You must choose a person from the circle to drink.

3: is F*ck Me – You must drink

4: Floor – touch the floor, last person to do so must drink.

How to play ring of fire card drinking game

5: Guys – All guys drink- .

6: Chicks – All girls drink

7: Heaven – Point your hand in the sky, whoever is last must drink

8: Pick a date – Choose someone to drink with you

9: Bust a Rhyme – Pick a word such a dog and the person next to you must rhyme with dog, like log, and it goes to the next person and the next, in a circle, until someone messes up and he or she will have to drink

10: Thumb Rule. The person who picks a 10 has thumb rule and has the power to discretely place there thumb on the edge of the table whenever they wish, it must remain there whilst other players slowly realise and must place their own thumb on the edge of the table. The last player to realise thumb rule is being played must drink. You keep thumb rule until another 10 is picked up.

Jack: Make a Rule – You can make up any rule that everyone must follow. E.g. you can only drink with your left hand. Everyone has to follow this rule for the entire game and if you disobey you have to drink.

Queen: Categories- Pick a category such as liquors then go in a circle and everyone must say a word that fits with the category e.g. Vodka, Rum, Gin, Whisky… the first to fail or hesitate must drhink.

King: Pour! You must pour a little bit of your drink into the jug/cup that is in the middle of the table. Whoever picks up the LAST king must down the whole cup, which will be filled with all different drinks, so who knows how awful it could taste!

Here are the official rules for the Ring of Fire Drinking Game

Firstly Set Up The Game:

  • Find yourself a big glass, preferably a pint glass or even bigger if you can find one and set it up in the middle of the table and place a deck of cards around the glass faced down.
  • Now gather your mates together around the table and make sure each person has a decent amount of alcohol.
  • Before starting the game it’s a good idea to print off the rules so that everyone knows what each card stands for, if you happen to have a small white board handy it’s even better to write the rules on there.
  • One person starts by picking up a card, each card has a different rule (explained below). If you don’t have ring of fire cards, click here for some really cheap high quality cards from Amazon (under £5 incl P&P)
  • Go round in a circle until the last King has been picked up, eventually this person will have to drink whatever is in the glass as a result of playing the game.

Ring Of Fire Card Game Rules

Now What Does Each Card Mean:

Ace: Waterfall – You start to drink, and everyone else must keep drinking until you stop drinking, if your a heavyweight it’s a good opportunity to get some of the lightweights drunk.

2 : Choose – You can choose someone to drink (generally 2 fingers of drink is the standard)

3: Is Me – You have to drink

Card Games Like Ring Of Fire

4: Is Whore – All the girls have to drink

5: Thumb – You have the power of the thumb until someone else picks a 5 up, when you place your thumb on the table (do it discretely) the last person to do the same will have to drink.

6: Is Dicks – All the boys have to drink

7: Is Heaven – You point your finger in the sky, the last person to do the same has to drink

8: Is Mate – Choose another person to drink with you

9: Is Rhyme – Pick a word, something like cat is easy and will make it easy for everyone else. Once you’ve said your word the person next to you must say a word that rhymes and this continues in a circle until someone messes up. Whomever messes up has to drink.

10: Categories – Pick a category, for example you could pick Manchester United Players and everyone has to pick a word that fits with this for example, Wayne Rooney, Ryan Giggs etc, thefirst person to mess up in the circle has to drink.

Jack: Make a Rule – You get to make a rule, this is where Ring of Fire becomes fun, pick a rule such as left hand drinking and everyone (including yourself) must follow this rule for the entirety of the game, if you forget to obey the rule you have to drink.

Queen: Question Master – You become the Question master, ask the person next you a question, they then have to answer with a question (It doesn’t matter what there answer is so long as it’s a question). Whoever messes up has to drink.

King: Pour – Pour some of your drink into the big glass in the middle of the table. Whomever picks up the last King has to drink the contents of the glass (often a mix of everyone’s drinks) When the last King is picked up it is the end of the game and time to start all over again.

Now that we’ve ran through the ring of fire rules here some other fun drinking games to keep you entertained:

Need some Booze?Try these very strong beers when you play ring of fire next time.

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